Thursday, March 1, 2007

Book Lending

I have learnt from experience that when you lend people shit, you only get it back if you ask for it. I actually issued a mate with a list of 10 books which I had lent him over the years. I got 3 of them back.

I now track where my books go and follow up with borrowers after a reasonable time. Lending to my brother is always amusing. The books always end up on his bookshelf. I think I need to define the word lend for him to better understand the concept.

The Devils Advocate (because every arseclown considers himself that) would say that the worth of a book is in its IP, and that once you have read it, it has no further value - so I should happily give away all my books. The Devils Advocate is a pigfucker. And although I find porcine fornication funny on paper, you're never quite the same after coming face-to-face with a bona fide pigfucker.


Anonymous said...


Maybe you need to read more Marx and less Hitler.

Dave said...

Perhaps. Or perhaps I should have a mass book burning, so no-one can read my books. (Adult literature excluded of course).

Douglas Scown said...

Is that what they call it?

Bevan McMerkin said...

You would rather watch your books burn than see anyone else (perhaps someone less fortunate than you) derive any pleasure from them? You are a sad man. Invite God into your life and you will no longer have these ill feelings toward others.
Do I still have any of your pornos?

Dave said...

No. The book burning was merely my witty riposte to Corbs' Hitler dig. But I would rather make a bed out of the pages of my books and watch an Asian hooker smeared in honey roll around on it, than see anyone else derive pleasure out of them.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.