Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday mixed grill.

It's Good Friday and this is what I'm having for lunch, and probably dinner. (I won't eat the stupid chips on top, or the pointless rosemary.)


Anonymous said...

You go to hell! You go to hell and you DIE!!

Dave said...

Personally, I'm appalled. I think you should be sentenced to an eternity of eating tofu.

Yet when I look at that big pile of meat, I find myself thinking happy thoughts. Like me, a domestic cat, a room full of meat cleavers and a bag of cocaine. Now that would be a good night in.

Douglas Scown said...

Your illness is clearly not resolving.

Anonymous said...

Mental image:

Whittler using two large meat cleavers to make pretty lines of cocaine, forcing the cat to snort them, then lying down naked to let the cat lick his nipples.


Douglas Scown said...

Ah, but of course. And I thought you meant the kitty some harm. Nice kitty. Here kitty.

Dave said...

You get me. It warms the cockles of my heart. Now it's time for me to go kitty-hunting.

Anonymous said...

I'd be keen to hear Bevan and Whittler's views on the "Meat Pie Pizza".

Dave said...

I've heard about this. Although the Europhile in me is appalled at the idea, sometimes we have to shout down the snobs within to face facts.

I have never tried one, but the maths is simple. Pizza = Awesome. Meat Pie = awesome. The question is, does Meat Pie Pizza = 2 * awesome or does it = Awesome²

If the latter, definitely a worthwhile endeavour. If the former, it might be just as well to leave these two gems alone.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to argue with maths like that. The concept is similar to one of my favourites, the bakery meat pie on the bacon and cheese roll. Definitely awesome squared.

But don't you think there is a risk of Awesome + Awesome = horrible freakish disaster? From personal experience I know this is the case with tequila and sambuca shots.

The ads scare me. I'm waaay to scared to buy one without a recommendation. Perhaps Whittler you could conduct a Today Tonight style special investigative report.

You could even make your own and do a comparative taste test.

Dave said...

You are right. I did leave out the third possibility that it could be a disaster. Kind of like what happens when matter meets anti-matter.

I will offer myself up as a guinea pig in this experiment. Give me a week and I will review the said dish. I can't even make a regular pizza, so a comparison table could be hard. But all investigative reports need such a table (or a least a worm featuring audience response). I might even have to dig up a body language expert, or put myself on a polygraph machine.